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Who & How

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What’s cookin aprons are made out of handwoven twill and naturally dyed by Nandar and her team in Amarapura. The yarn is both hand and machine-spun.


Natural dyes are an efficient and creative way to reduce environmental impact and enable the use of non-toxic, low impact solutions.


The yarns are boiled in dyes made out of flowers, plants or barks in combination with alum and salt. Alum is a chemical, but it is measured to ensure that it is not damaging for the environment, as the alum soaks into the yarn and doesn’t go in the wastewater. After the boiling, the yarns are dipped in and line dried.  This process is repeated multiple times, to deepen the colour.


The aprons come in two colours. The grey colour is extracted from gooseberry, and the green colour is made from almond.

After the dyeing, the yarn is set up on the loom and handwoven into twill at the workshop in Amarapura.


The twill gets delivered to Win Sun at her workshop Crown Tailor in Mandalay to make the aprons. Once the sewing is finished, Htet hand screen prints the designs on the aprons at his workshop in Madaya.


WHAT’s cookin’ aprons combine our love for music and Asian food. Inspired by the celebrated Hiphop culture amongst the youth in Mandalay and the famous, beloved Asian street food.

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